The Ecological Society of Japan

Join | Membership Fee | Withdraw | Limitation of My Page

How to join

◆ Membership Categories
The Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ) has four categories of membership: 1) regular member (personal), 2) student member (personal), 3) supporting member (group/personal), and 4) emeritus member.
Please select one of the first three membership categories according to your status when you join ESJ. Details of each membership can be found in the "Membership Fee" section.
ESJ journal subscriptions are also available for those who are not ESJ member. Please notice that online application systems are different for regular/student members or supporting members/journal subscribers as below.

*Regular members who are over 75 years old and have notably contributed to ESJ and communities of ecological studies are eligible to be nominated as emeritus members. This nomination is made by the president together with boards of directors and representatives of ESJ. No fee is required for the emeritus members.

[Regular/Student Member]

  1. Submit the Membership Application Form via Online Application
    In this application form, you can choose credit card or postal transfer to pay the annual membership fee. If you choose postal transfer, please pay the fee to the account of Japan Post Bank described in the email that is automatically sent after your application form receipt.
  2. Receive Membership Application confirmation and ID/Password for the "My Page" online membership system
    You will receive the confirmation email entitled "Notification of Acceptance of ESJ Membership Application" immediately after your application form is received by the ESJ Member Service Desk. If you do not receive this email, please contact the ESJ Member Service Desk. After we confirm your payment for the annual membership fee, we will send your ID and password for the online membership system, My Page, by post.
    This ID/password is also required for online registration of the ESJ Annual Meeting.

Note: If you chose to join ESJ from next year, My Page will be available from January of the next year.

Contact information:
ESJ Member Service Desk
358-5, Yamabuki-cho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
TEL +81-3-6824-9381 FAX +81-3-5227-8631
Hours of Operation: 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00 (Japan time, excluding weekends and public holidays in Japan)

[Supporting Member/Journal Subscriber]

The application procedure is similar to the process described above for regular/student members. Please submit the online application form.

Notes: Supporting members/journal subscribers may not present their research at the Annual Meeting of ESJ.

Membership Fee

[Regular/Student Membership]

Regular and student members may present their research at the Annual ESJ Meeting. They also may vote at any election of ESJ.

Basic Membership Fees

Membership Annual Fee Additional Fees
Regular Member 9,500 yen Delivery Fee of printed journals (if you order printed journals)
Student Member 4,500 yen

* Membership fees must be paid in advance, and the fiscal year of the society runs from January to December.

Special discounts

*ESJ has a special discount of the membership fee for low-income regular members. Applicants need to download an application form from the ESJ homepage and send it to the ESJ Member Service Desk. This discount is not automatically renewed. Therefore, if we do not receive a new application form before the due date, a regular membership fee will be charged.

*Regular members who are citizens of and currently residing in a country/region on the latest DAC list of ODA Recipients can get a discount of the membership fee for the next fiscal year to the fee for student members if they already paid the membership fee for the current year. If you may be eligible for this discount, please apply with this application form to ESJ Member Service Desk and to make sure to enter your resident county at a column of “Student ID (Number)/Country of residence” of My Page before you pay for next year for ESJ Member Service Desk to confirm your residence. You do not need to apply for this every year, but please do not change your resident country while you are a resident in those countries/regions. If you moved out from those countries/regions, please contact ESJ Member Service Desk.

ESJ publishes three journals:

Journal Annual Fee Number of issues
Japanese Journal of Ecology (JJE) 2,000 yen two issues (March, September) a year (in Japanese)
Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology (JJCE) 2,000 yen two issues (May, November) a year (in Japanese)

• An example of annual membership fee:
 For regular member who orders printed JJE and JJCE
⇒ 9,500 yen + 2,000 yen (JJE) + 2,000 yen (JJCE) = 13,500 yen

[Supporting Member]

Supporting members may not present their research at the annual meeting. The also may not vote at any elections of ESJ.

Delivery of the printed Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology Annual Fee
JJE and JJCE 20,000 yen

[Journal Subscription]

Only JJE and/or JJCE subscriptions are also available for non-ESJ member. To order printed ER, you need to be an ESJ member.

Journal Annual Price (including delivery fee)
JJE 5,000 yen
JJCE 5,000 yen
JJE and JJCE 10,000 Yen

If you wish to order a specific issue of a journal, please contact the ESJ Office.

How to withdraw


Any members can withdraw from ESJ at any time; however, membership fee which is already paid will not be refund. Therefore, we recommend you to withdraw before the new membership fee is charged (January every year) when you would like to withdraw.

Online Application through My Page

  1. Login your My Page, and click the "Next page" at "Withdraw from ESJ”. Select the year and reason for withdrawal from the drop-down menu, and send this form.
  2. You will receive an email to confirm your withdrawal from ESJ. If there are unpaid fees, please pay them according to the procedures described in the email.

Paper Application

If My Page is unavailable, please send an email, Fax or letter describing the year and reason for withdrawal from ESJ. If there are unpaid fees, we will inform you of the payments by email or post.

Items cannot be changed on My Page

ESJ members can change their status and information via the online membership system, My Page, but the following items are exceptions:

  1. Name
  2. Membership category
  3. Regional Branch
  4. Order of printed journals
  5. Automatic bank withdrawal

If you wish to change the above items, please send an email or inquiry form to the ESJ Member Service Desk.

Notes for changing the subscriptions of printed journals:

The subscriptions of printed journals are associated with the annual membership fee; therefore, we cannot change this immediately after your application. To change the subscriptions, please apply by the end of October the year before you wish to make a change.