[F1-01] The dynamics of trophic-food chains under climate-change
[F1-02] Replacement of tree seedlings from conspecifics to heterospecifics near the adult of Cornus controversa.
[F1-03] Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the Japanese endemic conifer Sciadopitys verticillata (Sciadopityaceae) utilising organellular and nuclear genetic markers
[F1-04] Frog diversity and abundance in Satoyama
[F1-05] Impact of East Japan Great Earthquake and Tsunami on benthic communities inhabited tidal flats
[F1-06] 生物の広域分布パターンを分布の類似度指標に基づいて類型化する
[F1-07] 維管束植物の絶滅リスクによる生物多様性ホットスポット解析
[F1-08] 混成群集ネットワークと個体群動態の安定性
[F1-09] Shorea leprosula (フタバガキ科) の虫菌害程度に見られる家系間変異とその要因
[F1-10] 水田におけるクモ類の種数および個体数:農法の影響および地理的傾向
[F1-11] 琵琶湖南湖のユスリカ相の現状