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日本生態学会第65回全国大会 (2018年3月、札幌) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

C02 Evolution (3月16日 14:00- 会場 C)

[C02-01] Song frequency and female choice in the cicada Mogannia formosana Matsumura (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) *SHIEH, Bao-sen(KHH Medical Univ.), Liang, Shih-hsiung(Nat. KHH Norm. Univ.)

[C02-02] Divergence of male sexual ornaments and female mate preference driven by a combination of natural and sexual selection *Takahiro Sakamoto, Gaku Takimoto(University of Tokyo)

[C02-03] Size-assortative social preference in small tadpole *長谷和子, 沓掛展之(SOKENDAI)

[C02-04] Ecological immunology of a specialist insect herbivore, Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) *Wen-hao TAN, Jacobus C. de Roode, Nicole M. Gerardo(Emory University)

[C02-05] A theoretical study of evolutionary rescue by hybridization *Maeda, Kouji, Takimoto, Gaku(Univ. of Tokyo)

[C02-06] The effects of spatial interactions on an oscillatory tragedy of the commons *Yu-hui LIN, Joshua S. Weitz(Georgia Tech)

[C02-07] Parental analysis of seeds from the wild population suggests overdominance rather than disassortative mating as the evolutionary maintenance mechanism of distyly in Primula kisoana Arima, Kurumi(Kyoto University), *KYOGOKU, Daisuke(Ryukoku University), Nakahama, Naoyuki(University of Tokyo), Suetsugu, Kenji(Kobe University), Ohtani, Masato(University of Hyogo), Ishii, Chiyo(Kiryu Nat. Sanctuary), Terauchi, Hiroshi(Kiryu Nat. Sanctuary), Terauchi, Yumiko(Kiryu Nat. Sanctuary), Isagi, Yuji(Kyoto University)

[C02-08] Environmental variation determines the ecological and evolutionary fate of self-compatible plants *Takeaki SATOW, Gaku Takimoto(Univ. of Tokyo)
