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日本生態学会第69回全国大会 (2022年3月、福岡) 一般講演 口頭発表 一覧

C04 生物多様性 / Biodiversity (3月15日 15:30-17:30 Room C, オンライン)

【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles

Presentation applied to the English Presentation Award

Land use shapes ecological resilience to typhoons【EPA】 *Samuel Robert peter-james ROSS(Trinity College Dublin, OIST), Nicholas R FRIEDMAN(OIST), Masashi YOSHIMURA(OIST), Takuma YOSHIDA(OIST), Ian DONOHUE(Trinity College Dublin), Evan P ECONOMO(OIST)

Detecting the changes of vegetation and land use due to wind power plant construction in Zenibako Coast, Hokkaido, Japan【EPA】 *Sharmin SHISHIR(University of Toyama, Center for Far Eastern Studies), Naoya WADA(University of Toyama, Center for Far Eastern Studies)

Patterns of functional alpha and beta diversity of Japanese bat assemblages【EPA】 *Takahiro MAKI, Nozomi SANNOMIYA, Toshihide HIRAO, Dai FUKUI(The University of Tokyo)

Influence of environment, land use, and species interactions on ant community dynamics across a landscape-scale observation network【EPA】 *Yazmin hanani ZURITA GUTIERREZ(OIST), Jamie KASS(OIST), Mirkka JONES(Helsinki Univ.), Otso OVASKAINEN(Helsinki Univ.), Evan ECONOMO(OIST)

Neoisoptera repetitively colonized Madagascar after the Middle Miocene climatic optimum *Menglin WANG, Thomas BOURGUIGNON(OIST)

Deeply divergent freshwater fish species within a single river system in central Sulawesi *Ilham Vemandra UTAMA(TBRC University of the Ryukyus, MZB, RC Biology, BRIN), Kazunori YAMAHIRA(TBRC University of the Ryukyus)
