| 要旨トップ | ESJ71 自由集会 一覧 | 日本生態学会第71回全国大会 (2024年3月、横浜) 講演要旨
ESJ71 Abstract

自由集会 W19  3月20日 16:30-18:00 Room B

Introduction to One Health approaches: Ecologists preventing vector-borne diseases【B】【O】

Kandai DOI(Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)

Concerns about emerging vector-borne diseases are increasing as the nexus between humans, wildlife, and vectors shifts due to changes in land use management, climate, and biota. A range of complex ecological variables interact to shape the probability of spillover, but these factors can be challenging to map and model. Thus, it is increasingly necessary to explore the disease ecology of vectors and vector-borne diseases. Elucidating interspecific interactions between wildlife reservoirs and vector within the context of climate and landcover is essential knowledge for controlling vector-borne pathogen spillover. Here, we are introducing 3 ecologists and a range of ecological approach which focused on the complex of vectors, wildlife and environments; (1) measuring abilities of wildlife as tick carriers [Kandai Doi, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute]; (2) utilising host-vector networks to identify high-risk vectors and forecast spillover pathways [Mackenzie Kwak, Hokkaido University]; (3) association between deer impact on the vegetation and tick abundance[Kei Suzuki, Kyushu Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute], with a commentator Ryo Nakao [Hokkaido University]. This forum aims to provide the introduction and gateway for ecologist with an interest in the disease ecology of parasite and vectors.

野生動物のマダニ運搬能力を推定する *土井寛大(森林総合研究所)
Estimating tick carrying abilities of wildlife *Kandai DOI(FFPRI)

宿主寄生体関係のネットワーク構築:高リスクベクターの特定と感染症発生経路の予測 *Mackenzie KWAK(Hokkaido Univ.)
Utilising host-vector networks to identify high-risk vectors and forecast spillover pathways *Mackenzie KWAK(Hokkaido Univ.)

シカによる植生へのインパクトから推定するマダニの生息状況 *鈴木圭(森林総研九州支所)
Estimating tick abundance based on the Deer Impact Score (DISco) *Kei SUZUKI(Kyushu Research Center FFPRI)
