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Symposia in English
[S01] : (March 16 9:00-12:00, Room S)
Species responses to climate change in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems【E】【O】
[S08] : (March 17 9:00-12:00, Room B)
Before the arrival of spring: do plants simply endure the winter?【E】【O】
[S13] : (March 18 9:00-12:00, Room S)
Acoustic Ecology: a new frontier in ecological research and monitoring【E】【O】【S】
English Sessions
March 16 10:00-12:15 C02-01 - Material cycling
March 16 10:00-11:45 H02-01 - Biodiversity
March 16 14:00-15:30 J02-05 - Animal population / Life history of animals / Animal reproduction
March 17 10:00-11:45 C03-01 - Ecosystem management
March 17 14:00-17:30 D03-09 - Conservation
March 17 14:00-15:45 E03-09 - Mathematical ecology
March 17 10:00-12:15 H03-01 - Animal-plant interaction
March 17 15:45-18:00 I03-15 - Plant population / Life history of plants / Plant ecophysiology
March 17 14:00-15:30 J03-08 - Behavior
March 18 10:00-12:00 C04-01 - Evolution
March 18 10:00-12:00 H04-01 - Animal community
March 18 14:00-14:45 H04-09 - Landscape ecology
March 18 10:00-11:30 I04-01 - Succession and regeneration
March 18 11:30-12:15 I04-07 - Fungi and microbes
March 18 14:00-16:00 I04-10 - Plant community
March 18 10:00-11:15 J04-01 - Behavior (1)
March 18 14:00-15:45 J04-06 - Behavior (2)
Oral sessions in which some presentations are given in English
March 18 14:00-14:45 S13(O)-01 - Acoustic Ecology (S13(O)-03)
Poster sessions in which some presentations are given in English
March 16 Room P P1-001 - Plant ecophysiology (P1-002, P1-006, P1-008, P1-015, P1-018, P1-022, P1-042, P1-047, P1-049, P1-050)
March 16 Room P P1-061 - Plant community, succession and regeneration (P1-067, P1-075, P1-089, P1-090)
March 16 Room P P1-105 - Animal community (P1-145)
March 16 Room P P1-149 - Material cycling (P1-165)
March 16 Room P P1-190 - Evolution and mathematical ecology (P1-193, P1-195)
March 16 Room P PH-01 - Poster presentations by high school students (PH-09, PH-17, PH-27, PH-34)
March 17 Room P P2-034 - Fungi and microbes (P2-038, P2-041)
March 17 Room P P2-103 - Conservation (P2-106, P2-107, P2-125, P2-136)
March 17 Room P P2-147 - Introduced species (P2-164, P2-167, P2-169)
March 17 Room P P2-171 - Ecosystem management and education and popularization of ecology (P2-210, P2-224)
March 18 Room P P3-001 - Acoustic Ecology (P3-006)
March 18 Room P P3-008 - Plant population and landscape ecology (P3-041, P3-057)
March 18 Room P P3-062 - Behavior (P3-062)
March 18 Room P P3-121 - Animal reproduction and life history (P3-121)
March 18 Room P P3-148 - Animal-plant interaction (P3-152, P3-155, P3-181)
March 18 Room P P3-198 - Biodiversity (P3-206, P3-215, P3-216)
オンラインのみ P0-005 - Plant ecophysiology (P0-010, P0-012, P0-016)
オンラインのみ P0-029 - Plant community, succession and regeneration (P0-034)
オンラインのみ P0-093 - Biodiversity (P0-102)
オンラインのみ P0-140 - Ecosystem management and education and popularization of ecology (P0-149, P0-150)
[W09] : (March 17 14:00-15:30, Room C)
Speak English! Enhancing English Communication in Scientific Communities【E】【O】