【A】ポスター賞候補 /
Poster Presentation Award applicants
【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が日英併記の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or posters are in both Japanese and English
【E】英語発表:英語による口頭発表、および、英語による説明動画が付属するもしくは英語での口頭説明が可能なポスター発表 /
English presentation: Oral presentation in English or poster presentation with English talk movie and/or English conversation
【O】オンサイト発表 /
Onsite Presentation
【S】公募セッション /
Open Session
Practice and Educational Value of Nature Experience Activities Using "Nature Game" in Childhood
Growth Decline of Japanese Cedar in Southwestern Japan: Geological Differences in Aspect Dependency
Temporal responses of the macroinvertebrate community structure to sediment replenishment downstream of a dam
Evaluating the population-level relevance of the current ecological risk assessment of chemicals based on elasticity analysis of life history matrices
Tree fall risk management in an urban university
Camera Trap Survey of Mammal Fauna on a University Campus: Towards Educational and Community Engagement
Verifying the effectiveness of survey method by automatic classification of raptor calls using convolutional neural networks
感染症媒介マダニ類とネズミ類の関係 山形県庄内地方での都市と森林での調査【A】
Relationship between infectious disease vector ticks and rodent Survey in urban and forest areas in the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture【A】
Predicting suitable locations for main tree species in Shikoku using GIS analysis
A proposal on canoe ecotour on the Maezima Island, Seto Inland see, Okayama Prefecture【E】
Zooplankton as indicators of inland river health【E】
Effects of Vegetation Changes from Agricultural Abandonment on Pollinator Habitats in Satoyama Landscape