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第64回大会(東京) 英語口頭発表賞受賞者

The Annual Meeting Award of the Ecological Society of Japan (English Presentation Award),2017

Animal Behavior | Evolution | Plant Ecology | Applied Ecology | Animal Ecology & Plant-Animal Interaction

<Animal Behavior>

【Best Award】
Mutualism between ants and snakes? An ant that shares its nest with the predator of its predator
* *Yosuke KOJIMA(Dep. Zool, Kyoto Univ.),Jo RAKOTOARISON(Dep. Anim. Biol., the Univ. of Antananarivo),Teppei JONO(Tropical Biosphere Research Center, Univ. Ryukyus),Takafumi MIZUNO(Center for Bioresource Field Science, Kyoto Inst. Technol.),Akira MORI(Dep. Zool, Kyoto Univ.)

【Excellent Award】
Parasite infection induces size-dependent host dispersal


【Best Award】
Roles of maternal effects in maintaining genetic variation: Maternal storage effect
*Yamamichi Masato,Hoso Masaki(Kyoto Univ.)

【Excellent Award】
Sexual selection within a species strengthens interspecific reproductive interference
*KYOGOKU Daisuke(Ryukoku Univ.),Sota Teiji(Kyoto Univ.)

<Plant Ecology>

【Best Award】
Is habitat association of karst tree species related to nonstructural carbohydrates in leaves, stems and roots?
*Nalaka GEEKIYANAGE(Dep. Forest Biomater. Sci., Kyoto Univ., Dep. Plant Sci., Rajarata Univ.),Uromi Goodale(Col. Forestry, Guangxi Univ.),Imena Valdes(Dep. Biol. Sci., Florida Int. Univ.),Kunfang Cao(Col. Forestry, Guangxi Univ.),Kaoru Kitajima(Dep. Forest Biomater. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)

Determining the sexes of a temperate dioecious shrub species using the difference in soil pollen concentration beneath females and males
*Sugiyama, Anna(Yale Univ.),Shichi, Koji(Forestry amd Forest Products Research Institute),Masaki, Takashi(Forestry amd Forest Products Research Institute),Hubbell, Stephen(Univ. of California, Los Angeles,Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute)

<Applied Ecology>

【Best Award】
A novel method of ecosystem management using multiple mobile robots
*Katsuaki Tanaka(早稲田大学大学院,日本学術振興会特別研究員),Hiroyuki Ishii(早稲田大学理工学術院,ヒューマノイド研究所),Satoshi Okabayashi(文化学園大学),Qlng Shi(北京理工大学),Yusuke Sugahara(東京工業大学),Atsuo Takanishi(早稲田大学理工学術院,ヒューマノイド研究所)

【Excellent Award】
Potential consequence from interaction among coral macroalgae and reef physical structures
*Pak yin CHEUNG(National Taiwan Univ.),Yoko Nozawa(Academic Sinica),Takeshi Miki(National Taiwan Univ.,Academic Sinica)

Establishment of quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) technique for detection and quantification of entomopathogenic fungi in soil
*Syaiful SARAGIH(The Univ. of Tokyo),Suhei Takemoto(The Univ. of Tokyo),Yoko Hisamoto(The Univ. of Tokyo),Masanori Fujii(The Univ. of Tokyo),Hiroki Sato(Department of Forest Entomology, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki),Naoto Kamata(The Univ. of Tokyo)

<Animal Ecology & Plant-Animal Interaction>

【Best Award】
Toxic impact of alien prey depends on foraging ecology of native predators
*Kazila, Evangelia,Kishida, Osamu(Hokkaido Univ.)

【Excellent Award】
Light and nutrient balance, and mass transfer efficiency: a field manipulation experiment with plankton
*Takehiro KAZAMA(Tohoku Univ.),Kotaro Tokita(Tohoku Univ.),Masato Yamamichi(Kyoto Univ.),Xuwang Yin(Dalian Ocean Univ.),Izumi Katano(Nara Woman's Univ.),Hideyuki Doi(Univ. of Hyogo),Takehito Yoshida(Tokyo Univ.),Nelson Hairston(Cornell Univ.),Jotaro Urabe(Tohoku Univ.)