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日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 一般講演 ポスター発表

P3 物質循環 (Material cycling) (3/20 会場 ポスター)

ESJ59/EAFES5 Poster Presentations (3/20)

*The last character 'J' of the poster number indicates that it is a conbribution to ESJ59 and 'A', to EAFES5.

[P3-272A] Mycorrhizal Hyphae Respiration and Production Frida Andreasson1*, Masako Dannoura1, Yuji Kominami2, Yasuhiro Hirano3 and Naoki Makita4 1. Laboratory of Forest Utilization, Department of Forest and Biomaterials science, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, 2. Forestry and FFPRI 3. School of Bioagricultural Science, Nagoya University 4. Laboratory of Forest Hydrology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

[P3-273A] Soil Respiration and Carbon Budget in Poorly Managed Cryptomeria japonica stand as Compared with Chamaecyparis obtusa and Larix kaempferi stands Harada, T. (Tsukuba Univ.), * Higashi, T. (Tsukuba Univ.), Mogi, M. (Tsukuba Univ.)、Kamijyo, T.(Tsukuba Univ.)

[P3-274A] Compound specific isotope analysis of pond snail and their potential food sources in a paddy field ecosystem. *Fujibayashi, M., Osada, y., Maruo, C., Aikawa, Y. and Nishimura, O. (Tohoku Uni.)

[P3-275A] Annual variation in carbon budget using remote-sensing data and a process model in Borneo Island, Southeast Asia *Adachi, M., Ito, A. (NIES), Takeuchi, W (Univ. Tokyo), Yamagata, Y. (NIES)

[P3-276A] Earthworm effects on soil aggregate formation and carbon mineralization kinetics *Kaneda, S. (NIAES), Fujii, K. (FFPRI, JSPS), Wagai, R. (NIAES), Ohkubo, S. (INFRC)

[P3-277A] Fallow management alters plant species composition and carbon storage after cessation of agricultural management Shimoda, S. (NARO/WARC), Koga N. (NARO/HARC)

[P3-278A] Automated continuous measurements of 13CO2 concentration and flux from soils in a cool-temperate coniferous forest using a tunable diode laser spectrometer. *Takanashi, S., Nakai, Y., Kitamura, K., Kominami, Y. (FFPRI), Dannoura, M., Takahashi, K. (Kyoto Univ.), Nakano, T. (YIES)

[P3-279A] Effect of lime-nitrogen application on N2O emission from an Andosol vegetable field *Akinori Yamamoto (NIAES), Hiroko Akiyama (NIAES), Takuji Naokawa (Denki Kagaku Kogyo), Kazuyuki Yagi (NIAES)

[P3-280A] Relationship between water chemistry of irrigation ponds and environmental factors in Chita Peninsula, central Japan Kizuka, T. (NIES)

[P3-281A] Belowground ecosystem responses to three years of experimental warming in a cool temperate grassland *Yoshitake, S., Tabei, N., Mizuno, Y., Yoshida, H., Sekine, Y., Tatsumura, M., Koizumi, H. (Waseda Univ.)

[P3-282A] Accumulation of sulfate ion and stable isotope ratio of sulfur in some forest soils of Japan *Takahashi, J., Higashi, T.,Tamura, K.(Tsukuba Univ.)

[P3-283A] Global meta-analysis for controlling factors on carbon stable isotope ratios of lotic periphyton *Ishikawa, N.F. (Kyoto Univ.), Doi, H. (Hiroshima Univ.), Finlay, J.C. (Univ. Minnesota)

[P3-284A] Assimilating photosynthesis model with the data of FACE experiment *Sakurai, G. (NIAES), Iizumi, T. (NIAES), Yokozawa, M. (NIEAS)

[P3-285A] Leaf litter breakdown and utilization by macroinvertebrates in an intertidal estuary. Sasaki, A., Ito, N., Nakatsubo T. (Hiroshima Univ.)

[P3-286A] Rapid turnover of organic acids in the rhizosphere of podzolized soil in a tropical montane rainforest *Fujii, K. (FFPRI), Aoki, M. (Tokyo Univ.), Kitayama, K. (Kyoto Univ.)

[P3-287A] The effect of warming experiment on methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in a grazed pasture Yashiro, Y., Koizumi, H.

[P3-288A] Estimation of leaf area index from a canopy radiative transfer model with plant phenology in East Asia *Murakami, K. (Univ. of Tsukuba), Sasai, T. (Nagoya Univ.), Noda, H. M. (Univ. of Tsukuba), Muraoka, H. (Gifu Univ.), Nasahara, K. N. (Univ. of Tsukuba)

[P3-289A] Controlling factors of forest management on NEP at deciduous forest in Japan Kominami Y.,(FFPRI,Kyoto), Wada Y.(Kyoto Univ.), Ataka M. (Kyoto Univ.) ,Sasaki R.(Kyoto Univ.),Yoshimura K.(FFPRI, Kyoto),Dannoura M. (Kyoto Univ.),Jomura M. (Nihon Univ.),Uematsu C.(Osaka City Univ.)

[P3-290A] Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Tropical Tree Species in Malaysia *Okumura, M.(Kyoto Univ.), Kosugi, Y.(Kyoto Univ.), Takanashi, S.(FFPRI), Kamakura, M.(Nara Women’s Univ.), Matsumoto, K.(Ryukyu Univ.), Nakagawa, K.(Kyoto Univ.), Tani, A.(Univ. Shizuoka), Tohno, S.(Kyoto Univ.), Philip, E.(FRIM)

[P3-291A] Local variation of fine root biomass in tropical rain forests of the Brasilian Amazon *Noguchi H, Souza CAS, Suwa R, Kajimoto T, Ishizuka M, Lima AJN, Ribeiro GHPM, Barros PC, Silva RP, Martins Pinto AC, Dos Santos J, Higuchi N

[P3-292A] Organic carbon dynamics of decomposing litter and peat in a tropical mangrove forest on Pohnpei Island, Federated States of Micronesia. Ono, K. (TRC-FFPRI), Hiradate, S. (NIAES), Hiraide, M., Hirata, M. (FFPRI), Fujimoto, K. (Nanzan Univ.), Tabuchi, R. (JIRCAS), Saimon, L. (Depart. Land & Natural Resources, Pohnpei State Govern.)

[P3-293A] Effect of high temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere on leaf litter decomposition and associated bacteria, fungi and macroinvertebrates *Kaori Kochi (Kinki University), Kaneyuki Nakane (Hiroshima University) , Maki Kawai (Saitama University)

[P3-294A] Gradual changes in stream nitrate discharge along with nitrogen deposition, forest biomass and productivity in a headwater catchment of a natural cool-temperate forest  Fukushima, K., Nakashima, T., Fujiki, Y., Nakamura, S., Koide, K., Yamanaka, N., Tokuchi, N., Oohata, S.

[P3-295A] A comparion of carbon storage in pine and oak forests in southern Korea Ju,N.*, Kim,C.(Gyeongnam Nat. Uinv. of Sci. & Tech.), Son,Y., Park,C.W.(Korea Univ.), Kim,R.H., Lee,K.S., Lee,K.H.(Kor. For. Res. Inst.)

[P3-296A] Seasonal and Diurnal variations of CO2 concentration and flux at the Nam-San site in Korea *Park, M.-S., Joo, S. J., Park, S.-U. (CAEM), Lee C. S. (Seoul Women's Univ.)

[P3-297A] Effects of Halophytes Decomposition on Nutrient Cycling in Daebu Island  *Han, H., Lee, E. J.(Seoul National Univ.)

[P3-298A] Seasonal variations of soil respiration in a cool-temperate broad-leaved deciduous forest, Korea *Joo, S.J., Park, M.-S., Park, S.-U. (CAEM), Kim, G.S., Lee C.S. (Seoul Women’s Univ.)

[P3-299J] Functional consequences of differences in canopy phenology for the carbon budgets of two cool-temperate forest types: simulations using the NCAR/LSM model and validation using tower flux and biometric data Saitoh, T.M. (Gifu Univ.), Nagai, S. (JAMSTEC), Yoshino, J. (Gifu Univ.), Muraoka, H. (Gifu Univ.), Saigusa, N. (NIES), and Tamagawa, I. (Gifu Univ.)

[P3-300J] Evaluating streamwater nitrate sources during stormflows using nitrate isotopes in two forested watersheds *Oda, T., Ohte, N., Egusa, T., Suzuki, M. (The Univ of Tokyo)

[P3-301J] Spatial distribution of ornithogenic nitrogen and its effects on vegetation at paddy fields near the breeding colony of Great Cormorants Kazama, K. (Meijo Univ.) et al.

[P3-302J] Decomposition of and Respiration from Coarse Woody Debris in Pasoh Forest Reserve, Malysia. *Majima, K., Makita, N., Dannnoura, M., Tani, M., Kosugi, Y.(Kyoto univ), Takanashi, S., Noguchi, S.(FFPRI), Nakaji, T.(Hokkaido univ), Tanaka, K.(JAMSTEC), Abdul Rahman Kassim.(FRIM)

[P3-303J] Mineralization and fragmentation rate of leaf litter of four evergreen species  *Jomura M., Takahashi A., Sakurai S. (Nihon Univ.)

[P3-304J] 北上山地におけるカラマツのリターフォール年変動と年輪成長の関係 *橋本徹、 池田重人、三浦覚、相澤州平、岡本透、志知幸治(森林総研)

[P3-305J] 日本海沿岸の照葉樹林における陸ガニによる落葉分解 *山岸明日翔, 柳井清治(石川県立大)

[P3-306J] タイ熱帯乾燥林小集水域内における土壌化学プロパティ空間分布の推定 *山下尚之(ア大気汚染セ), 佐瀬裕之(ア大気汚染セ), Jesada Luangjame(ア大気汚染セ), Bundit Hongthong(RFD), Thiti Visaratana(RFD), Bopit Kietvuttinon(RFD), Hathairatana Garivait(ERTC)

[P3-307J] ボルネオ熱帯降雨林生態系維持メカニズムとしての土壌リンの地球化学的シンクに拮抗する生物学的シンク *池田 千紘(京大・農), 北山 兼弘(京大・農)

[P3-308J] ヒノキのリター分解と土壌窒素の無機化 *細川奈々枝(信大院農),高橋一太(信大農),小林元(信大AFC),平井敬三(森林総研東北)

[P3-309J] 熱帯山地林における植物リター中ポリフェノールが地形に伴う窒素可給性の変化に与える影響 *市塚友香(京大・農)、潮雅之(京大・生態研セ)、北山兼弘(京大・農)

[P3-310J] Biome-BGCモデルを用いた中国河南省の退耕還林トチュウ人工林における炭素循環のシミュレーション *宮内達也,町村尚,福島龍太郎,中澤慶久,佐田忠行(大阪大学)

[P3-311J] ミクロネシア連邦ポンペイ島におけるフタバナヒルギ丸太の分解 *平出政和(森林総研), 小野賢二(森林総研東北), 藤本潔(南山大), 平田泰雅(森林総研), 田淵隆一(国際農研), Saimon Lihpai(Pohnpei State Government)

[P3-312J] サケ死体跡にキノコが生える?-森林内に運ばれたホッチャレの分解過程- *長坂 有,長坂晶子(北海道林試)

[P3-313J] 三宅島2000年噴火の火山灰堆積地上における11年間の炭素蓄積過程 *東亮太(筑波大・生命環境)、上條隆志(筑波大・生命環境)、川越みなみ(朝日航洋)、田村憲司(筑波大・生命環境)

[P3-314J] 異なる地質を持つ2つの暖温帯里山生態系における栄養塩蓄積に関する考察 *西尾尚悟(京大・農)、蔵治光一郎(東大・農)、北山兼弘(京大・農)

[P3-315J] アラスカ北極圏陸上生態系の土壌呼吸特性解析 *内海真生(筑波大・生命環境系)、近藤美由紀(国環研・環境計測研究セ)、安立美奈子(国環研・CGER)、天野(佐藤)千恵(筑波大院・生命環境)、内田昌男(国環研・環境計測研究セ)

[P3-316J] 由良川流域における溶存有機物の蛍光特性 大槻あずさ*, 福崎康司, 白澤紘明(京大院・農), 鈴木伸弥(京大・農), 福島慶太郎・吉岡崇仁(京大・フィールド研)

[P3-317J] 硝酸の酸素と窒素同位体比を用いた由良川流域における窒素供給源の評価 *鈴木伸弥(京大 農) 吉岡崇仁 福島慶太郎(京大 フィールド研) 福崎康司 白澤紘明 大槻あずさ(京大 農)

[P3-318J] 安定同位体を用いた相模湾食物網構造の解析 *宮地俊作(日大院・生物資源),大場昴(日大生物資源),馬谷原武之(日大院・生物資源),對馬孝治(日大生物資源),河野英一(日大生物資源)

[P3-319J] 福島県に自生する草本植物の放射性セシウム集積特性 *杉浦佑樹(名大院・生命農)、竹中千里(名大院・生命農)、前島正義(名大院・生命農)、三宅博(名大院・生命農)、柴田理尋(名大・アイソトープ)、世良耕一郎(岩手医大・医)
