[K2-13] 過去の室内競争実験の結果を繁殖干渉と資源競争に分ける
[K2-14] オオミズナギドリの集団営巣地における定着性
[K2-15] 翅多型性を持つコバネナガカメムシ科の翅多型の進化と寄主植物との関係
[K2-16] 半自然草地に生息するジャノメチョウメタ個体群の維持機構
[K2-17] 大発生したマイマイガ北海道個体群の21年間の動態と密度依存性
[K2-18] 円網性クモの体色変異の季節性について
[K2-19] Non-linear Impacts of Climatic Variability on the Density-Dependent Regulation of Aedes aegypti
[K2-20] Parasitoid's learning and host-frequency-dependent predation: from neural modeling to three-species system dynamics
[K2-21] Diversity and evolution of left-right polarity in populations of Turkish snails
[K2-22] Estimation of key conservation areas to sustain a regional population of Asiatic black bears based on seasonal habitat selection model
[K2-23] Effects of diet change on the irruptive population dynamics of sika deer on Nakanoshima Island, Hokkaido, Japan
[K2-24] Mammal abundance affects the distribution of terrestrial blood-feeding leeches in Yakushima