*The last character 'J' of the poster number indicates that it is a conbribution to ESJ59 and 'A', to EAFES5.
[P3-096A] Forest structure and dynamics of an artificial evergreen broad-leaved forest in urban area
[P3-097A] Successive mapping of secondary pine forests affected by pine wilt disease and subequent forest managemant in Miyajima Island, SW Japan, with a special reference to changes in vegetation units between 2000 and 2010
[P3-098A] Forest establishment of Zelkova serrata on upper slopes and ridges in the Kan-nami region
[P3-099A] Effects of Shoot and root-tube on survival and regeneration of Lithocarpus glaber
[P3-100A] Species richness and composition of epiphytic bryophytes in primary and secondary Lithocarpus forests in Ailao Mountain, SW China
[P3-101A] Shrub-interspace dynamics of soil microbial communites under different patch areas in a semiarid river valley, SW China
[P3-102J] Vegetation changes from 1994 to 2008 on Mount Usu, northern Japan, after the 1977-1978 eruptions
[P3-103J] 栗駒山におけるブナ自然林の20年間の動態(2)空間分布の変化
[P3-104J] 照度条件が琵琶湖の沈水植物群落に与える影響
[P3-105J] 多雪地帯のスギ人工林における林冠ギャップ形成後の下層植生の変化
[P3-106J] 島根県の二次林における高木・亜高木種5種の萌芽の形態と生態学的意味
[P3-107J] ミズキとウワミズザクラの置き換わりに及ぼす病原菌と菌根菌の影響
[P3-108J] 高槻市本山寺の森(暖温帯針広混交林)における32年間の植生変化
[P3-109J] 北海道の針広混交林における1954年洞爺丸台風による風倒撹乱後の更新過程
[P3-110J] 年輪判読によって解析されたウトナイ湖北西岸におけるハンノキ林の侵入、成立過程