【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Presentation applied to the English Presentation Award
Does prior selfing diminish the opportunity of outcrossing in a mixed mating species Commelina communis?
雌雄異花同株多年生草本ムカゴイラクサの集団維持機構 ―種子とムカゴに着目して―
Population maintenance with seeds and bulbils in a monoecious perennial herb ; Laportea bulbifera
The determinant factors of the mast flowering periodicity in Veratrum album populations at different elevations
Analysis of the relationship between the behavior of rhizomes of Cardamine leucantha and the soil environment
The differences in phenotypic traits and distribution patterns between two sub-species of Youngia japonica within an Urban-Rural gradient
Global warming causes flowering phenology shift: a comparison of flowering gene expression patterns between the temperate and subtropical zones
Seed dispersal of Plantago asiatica by sticking to the shoes
アジア広域に分布するブナ科植物における開花結実フェノロジーの緯度クライン 【B】
Latitudinal cline of flowering and fruiting phenology in Fagaceae 【B】