【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Distributions of individual size and occupied area in maximal density stands
Reconstruct the phylogenetic groups of Larix based on DNA information of botanical specimens
種子生産の変動が林床植物の個体群動態に及ぼす影響:エゾエンゴサクを用いた播種実験 【B】
Effect of the variation in seed production on population dynamics of understory plants: seed sawing experiment in Corydalis ambigua 【B】
ユリ科多年草オオウバユリの大きさを決める環境要因 −上越地方の個体群に関して−
Determinative factors for the size variation in Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii inhabiting the Joetsu district, Niigata
温帯性木本ツルの成長様式と光環境の関係 【B】
Growth responses of temperate lianas to different light conditions 【B】
生活史過程により緩衝される生息地の分断化の影響 -オオバナノエンレイソウの事例ー
Life history processes buffer the detrimental effects of habitat fragmentation - a case study of Trillium camschatcense -
Genetic diversity of Trapa (Lythraceae) populations in Japan
Leaf traits of Dryas octopetala var. asiatica of three alpine polulations in central Japan
Statistical analysis of environmental factors that control the number of leaf trichome of Arabidopsis kamchatica ssp. kawasakiana
群馬県内の自生地におけるサクラソウの花柱構成比と結実率のメタ個体群間比較 【B】
Comparison of heterostyly composition and seed production among metapopulations of Primula sieboldii growing in Gunma Pref. 【B】
Decadal changes in masting behavior of oak trees: A resource allocation shift caused by climate change as a possible mechanism
植物の可塑性を考慮した群集の環境変化への応答 【B】
Community response to environmental change incorporating plant plasticity 【B】
Genetic structure of a range-expanding small tree species Litsea cubeba