*The last character 'J' of the poster number indicates that it is a conbribution to ESJ59 and 'A', to EAFES5.
[P1-022A] Nitrogen utilization and life cycle of Sabina vulgaris developing islands of fertility in a semi-arid desert in northern China
[P1-023A] What controls the global distribution of Japanese endemic hemlock, Tsuga diversifolia? Influence of historical habitat dynamics on the current distribution patterns
[P1-024A] DBH-height relationships of tree population revisited
[P1-026A] Effects of genet structure on rhizome biomass in the populations of Fallopia japonica
[P1-027A] Linking size-dependent growth and mortality with architectural traits across 145 co-occurring tropical tree species
[P1-028A] Frequency and spatial patterning of clonal reproduction in Cryptomeria japonica natural population
[P1-029A] Chasmophytes flooded by typhoons in 2011 along the Tama River, Japan
[P1-030J] Long-term dynamics of tree biomass in fragmented forests: inference from patterns along a gradient of forest size
[P1-031J] Strong genetic drift and the diversity decline at the northward expanding marginal populations of Fagus crenata
[P1-032J] Recent tendency of diameter growth of trees in a lucidophyllous forest at the Aya Research Site - Analysis of data in a LTER site in southwester Japan
[P1-033J] Utility of flowering genes as nuclear DNA markers to detect putative hybrid species in Japanese dwarf bamboos
[P1-034J] 進化し続けるイブキ・ハクサンハタザオ:機能遺伝子の時空間変動
[P1-035J] 大型藻類におけるhaploid-diploid生活環の進化についての集団遺伝学的解析とその分布
[P1-036J] アカマツ天然集団の球果形質変異と核SSRに基づく遺伝変異の関係
[P1-037J] 上高地・槍穂地域に侵入したオオバコの分布と生育特性
[P1-038J] 生育地の分断化が多年生林床植物オオバナノエンレイソウ集団の各生活史段階の遺伝的多様性に与える影響
[P1-039J] 栄養塩パッチが植物の成長に及ぼす影響は、パッチの出現時期と利用可能な栄養塩量により異なる
[P1-040J] 下層植生のササの除去が樹木の空間分布に及ぼす影響
[P1-041J] 栄養塩濃度と物理的障害物の密度がホソムギの成長に与える影響
[P1-042J] 季節的環境下におけるハクサンハタザオのサイズ依存性開花
[P1-043J] 富士山から伊豆諸島に生育するススキとイタドリの生態学的・分類地理学的研究
[P1-044J] 人工林化が林床草本ミヤコアオイのクローン構造に及ぼす影響
[P1-045J] 尾瀬・大江湿原におけるニッコウキスゲへのシカ食害の影響:被食シュートの追跡結果