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日本生態学会第59回全国大会 (2012年3月,大津) 一般講演 ポスター発表

P1 景観 (Landscape)・都市 (Urban area) (3/18 会場 ポスター)

ESJ59/EAFES5 Poster Presentations (3/18)

*The last character 'J' of the poster number indicates that it is a conbribution to ESJ59 and 'A', to EAFES5.

[P1-083A] Recent actual fire events and sedimentary charcoal records from irrigation ponds in the Edajima Island, Hiroshima Bay, southwestern Japan *Miyake, N., Inao, H. (Kochi Univ.)

[P1-084A] Effects of patch area and connectivity on distribution of raccoon dog in urban remnant forests *Koike, S., Soga, M. (Tokyo Univ. Agr. and Tech.)

[P1-085A] Factors determining amphibian distribution in urban areas *Fuyuki, A. (Hokkaido Univ.), Yamaura, Y. (Hokkaido Univ.), Nakajima, Y. (Hokkaido Univ.), Ishiyama, N. (Hokkaido Univ.), Akasaka, T. (Hokkaido Univ.), Nakamura, F. (Hokkaido Univ.)

[P1-086A] Genetic diversity among butterfly populations in urban greeneries of Tokyo *Kondo, N. I. (NIES), Ohbayashi, K., Hodoki, Y. (Kyoto Univ.)

[P1-087A] Structure and dynamics of bog vegetation on Midagahara moor in the Northern Alps.  Ishida, M. (Gifu Univ.),

[P1-088A] Risk map for avian influenza in Japan *Moriguchi, S., Onuma, M., Goka, K. (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

[P1-089A] A test of graph theoretical approach in freshwater ecosystem: relationship between pond connectivity and fish diversity.  Ishiyama, N., Akasaka, T., Nakamura, F. (Hokkaido Univ.)

[P1-090A] Biodiversity assesment on Satoyama landscapes in Japan based on long-distance line-transect with indicator plant species *Kobayashi, Y., Koike, F., Sugawara, N. (Yokohama National Univ)

[P1-091A] Landscape configuration alters the effects of abandoned rice fields on frog densities *Kuroe, M.(Akita Pre. Univ.), Makita, A.(Akita Pre. Univ.)

[P1-092A] Evaluation of sustainable landscape-related lifestyles adapted to extreme seasonal pulse flooding in the Cambodian lowlands *Hirabuki, Y. (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Tsukawaki, S. (Kanazawa Univ.), Araki, Y. (Saitama Univ.), Suzuki, K. (Yokohama National Univ.), Tomita, M. (Tokyo Univ. Info. Sci.), Peou, H. (APSARA Authority), Yongyut, T. (Kasetsart Univ.)

[P1-093A] Characteristics of landscapes in disaster areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake: Toward reconstruction with local uniqueness Imanishi, J., Sasaki, T., Kang, N., Iida, Y., Kato, I., Chen, C., Ano, A., Isezaki, M., Toma, Y., Nishimura, T., Yoshioka, K., Okada, F., Higashiguchi, R., Fumoto, S. (Kyoto Univ.)

[P1-094A] Spatial classification of the suitable coastal seascape structure for fish species *Hori, M. (Fisheries Research Agency), Yamakita, T. (Univ. Tokyo), Watanabe, K. (Hokkaido Univ), Yoshida, G (FRA) and Sudo, H. (FRA).

[P1-095A] Application of recreation opportunity spectrum in National Park : A case study of Chubusangaku nationaol park, Nagano Prefecture *Oishi, Y. (Shinshu Univ.), Okubo, K. (Shinshu Univ.), Uehara, M. (Shinshu Univ.), Sasaki, K. (Shinshu Univ.)

[P1-096A] A post-glacial history of semi-natural grasslands in central Japan and its causation to distributions of grassland species of bumblebees *Suka, T. (Nagano Environ. Conserv. Res. Inst.), Ushimaru, A. (Kobe Univ.), Tanaka, H. (Kyoto Univ.) and Yumoto, T. (Res. Inst. Humanity and Nature)

[P1-097A] Landform evolution and spatial patterns of non-forest vegetation in the central western Cascade Range, U. S. A. *Takaoka, S. (Senshu Univ.), Swanson, F.J. (USDA)

[P1-098A] Spatiotemporal pattern of the expansion of bamboo groves during six decades; a case study in Mt. Hachimen, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Suzuki, S. (Rissho Univ.)

[P1-099A] Visibility and selection of nest sites in oriental white stork. *Naito, K., Mitsuhashi, H. and Ezaki, Y. (Univ. Hyogo)

[P1-100A] Clarification of the relationship between the landscape and river water quality and waterdhed vegetation water Miura,K.(Yokohama National Univ.) et al.

[P1-101A] Forest area change and its driving factors in Indonesia *Tsujino, R., Yumoto T. (RIHN), Kitamura, S. (Museum Nat & Human Act, Hyogo), Djamaluddin, I. (Kyushu Univ)

[P1-102A] Comparative Analysis and Ecological Evaluation of Vegetation Landscape Structures between Two Cities Characterized by their Own Potential Natural Vegetation  Hattori, C. (Yokohama Natn. Univ.), *Ohno, K. (Yokohama Natn. Univ.)

[P1-103A] Predicting bird distribution in Sapporo using NDVI *Nakajima,Y. , Yamaura,Y. , Akasaka,T. , Aikoh,T. , Mishima,Y. , Morimoto,J. , Nakamura,F. (Hokkaido Univ.)

[P1-104A] Impact of land use on bird community in tropical peat land in Indonesia. *Fujita, M. S., Samejima, H.(Kyoto Univ.), Haryadi, D. S., Muhammad, A. (Riau Univ.)

[P1-105A] Impact of urbanization on the evergreen broadleaf forests in the Tokyo metropolitan area over the last ca. 30 years Furukawa, T. (Yokohama National Univ.), Kuboyama, E. (Itabashi Trop. Bot. Garden), Saito, M. (Yokohama National Univ.), Koyanagi, T. (NIAES), Fujiwara, K. (Yokohama City Univ.)

[P1-106A] Graph-theoretic approaches for the forest network management in agro-ecosystems at multi-resolution: the significance of riparian forest patch Akasaka T., Yamaura Y., Nakamura F. (Hokkaido univ.)

[P1-107A] The climate change impact on potential habitats of Abies nephrolepis on the East Asian continent in comparison with that on Abies species in Japan *Tanaka, N.,Nakao, K., Tsuyama, I., Higa, M., Nakazono, E., Matsui, T. (FFPRI)

[P1-108J] Differential response of three species of roadside trees to summer water stress  *Osone, Y. (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Ishida, A. (Kyoto Univ.), Kawarasaki, S. (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Inoue, G. (Otsuma Women's Univ.) Yazaki, K. (FFPRI), Kachi, N. (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

[P1-109J] 名古屋中心市街地におけるチョウ類の移入と景観構造‐プランター設置による実証実験‐ *三輪隆・小島倫直・河崎泰了(竹中工務店)、伊勢紀・伊東憲正・澤田昭男(地域環境計画)、三橋弘宗(兵庫県立大)

[P1-110J] 狩猟者情報を利用したエゾシカの移動分散における地理的障壁の評価の試み *濱原和広,高田雅之,宇野裕之(道総研・環境科学研究センター)

[P1-111J] ランドスケープ構造が小水域への水生昆虫の移入と食物網形成に与える影響 *今井淳一(東大・農),角谷拓(国環研),平山亜希子(福井県自然環境課),松村俊幸(福井県自然保護センター),鷲谷いづみ(東大・農)

[P1-112J] 鳥類群集の種多様性を指標とした都市環境の評価 *相澤章仁, 大山ゆりあ, 加藤顕, 小林達明(千葉大・院・園芸学)

[P1-113J] モンゴル国の過放牧地域におけるブラントハタネズミの分布と拡大 *川島健二(酪農学園大学大学院), 星野仏方(酪農学園大学・環境), S.Ganzorig(酪農学園大学・環境), 澤向麻里絵(酪農学園大学大学院), 浅川満彦(酪農学園大学・獣医), N.Batsaikhan(モンゴル国立大学・農)

[P1-114J] 都市公園の里山管理による市民の意識変化~市民団体と指定管理者の関係に着目して~ *伊藤邦泰(明大院・農)、倉本宣(明大・農)

[P1-115J] 北海道十勝地方における中・大型哺乳類による河畔林の利用(予報) *吉松大基,高田まゆら,柳川久(帯畜大)

[P1-116J] 湖底表層堆積物中の花粉組成に基づく立山みくりが池と木崎湖周辺における過去100年の植生モニタリング *林 竜馬,高原 光(京都府大),佐々木尚子(地球研),兵藤不二夫(岡山大・異分野コア),槻木玲美・加 三千宣(愛媛大・SRFC)・牧野 渡・占部城太郎(東北大・生命)

[P1-117J] 湖底表層堆積物中の花粉組成に基づく羅臼湖,ニセコ大沼,阿寒湖周辺における過去100年の植生モニタリング *佐々木尚子(地球研),林 竜馬,高原 光(京都府大),兵藤不二夫(岡山大・異分野コア),槻木玲美・加 三千宣(愛媛大・SRFC)・牧野 渡・占部城太郎(東北大・生命)

[P1-118J] 近縁な汽水性希少ハゼ類の生息環境の違い ~複数の空間階層に着目して~ *乾隆帝(徳島大院工),江口勝久(佐賀県玄海セ),中島淳(福岡県保環研),竹村紫苑(徳島大院工),鬼倉徳雄(九大院農),鎌田磨人(徳島大院工)

[P1-119J] 種の多様性を規定する都市の景観構造 宮田弘樹(竹中工務店)、*伊勢紀(地域環境計画)、三輪隆・北野正人(竹中工務店)、三橋弘宗(兵庫県立大)、伊東憲正・鈴木明子(地域環境計画)

[P1-120J] 地区スケールでの鳥類群集の組成に影響を与える環境要因は何か? 大山ゆりあ, 相澤章仁, 加藤顕, 小林達明(千葉大・院・園芸学)
