【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Coevolution of sex ratio and outcrossing/selfing propensity, illustrated by mangrove killifish
Task allocation in a cooperative society: specialized castes or age-dependent switching
単細胞生物におけるプログラム細胞死の進化に関する理論モデル 【B】
Theory of evolution of programmed cell death in unicellular organisms 【B】
A generic model on the stability of mutualisms based on partner choice
生産的な環境におけるギルド内捕食系の存続 【B】
Persistence of intraguild predation systems in a productive environment 【B】
Stability on the dynamics of density-dependent Leslie matrix model
Can sterile females enhance the pest-controlling effect for sterile insect techqniue?
Can ecosystems on oceanic islands be restored after eradication of invasive species? -prediction by an evolutionary ecosystem model-
ノンパラメトリック検定の使用可能範囲:平均値や中央値の差の検定に使えないとき 【B】
When nonparametric statistical tests do not test differences in means or medians 【B】
Statistical modeling for the analysis of radiation exposure effects on mammal
食物網のサンプリング理論と種個体数分布 【B】
Sampling theory and species abundance distribution of food webs 【B】
Analysis of mathematical model of gut flora and its interaction matrix