【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Presentation applied to the English Presentation Award
アリグモはツンデレかー機械学習で擬態者の擬態モデルに対する行動変化を解析する 【B】
Are ant-mimicking spiders tsun-dere? - Using machine learning methods to analyze behavioral changes in mimics in response to mimicry models. 【B】
A comparison of foraging strategies in five genera of ant-eating spiders (Theridiidae: Hadrotarsinae)
Escape trajectories in a primitive insect, the firebrat (Thermobia domestica, Thysanura)【発表取消/Cancelled】
Detecting Environmental Responses of Organisms from Acoustic Observations: An Application of Nonlinear Time Series Analysis to Acoustic Data
オスはメスより高緯度まで回遊する: アカウミガメにみられる回遊様式の性差
Males migrate to higher latitudes than females: sexual differences in migratory patterns in loggerhead turtles
Size-dependent behaviors of river-descending masu salmon
A facultative myrmecophilous butterfly reduces symbiotic costs in a newly expanded enemy-free area
Counter-adaptation to the harmful effects of artificial light at night in the urban populations of Drosophila suzukii
ショウジョウバエにおける集団行動のゲノム基盤 【B】
Unravelling the genomic architecture of social collectives in Drosophila melanogaster 【B】
Interspecific sexual interaction between Anomala albopilosa and endemic scarab beetles
Studies on the Sucking Behavior of praobdellid leech(Myxobdella sinanensis); a Parasite on Japanese freshwater crab(Geothelphusa dehaani)
Estimation of predators and predation pressure of juvenile Anguilla japonica by tethering experiments
Trichoptera larval case as strategy against predation by carnivorous aquatic insect