*The last character 'J' of the poster number indicates that it is a conbribution to ESJ59 and 'A', to EAFES5.
[P2-254A] Behavioral and physiological changes of Trigonotylus caelestialium females after mating
[P2-255A] Male kills female in a short period in a mass-reared population of the sweetpotato weevil Cylas formicarius
[P2-256A] Fine scale relationships between sex, life history, and dispersal of masu salmon
[P2-257A] Effect of genital spines on male fitness in the West Indian sweet potato weevil.
[P2-258A] Comparison of male mating behavior between two lycaenid butterflies, Zizina emelina and Pseudozizeeria maha
[P2-259A] Influence of spawning time on diversification of labrid fishes on coral reefs
[P2-260A] Male and female reproductive strategies under an extremely female biased sex ratio in a parasitoid wasp
[P2-261A] Parker’s sneak-guard model revisited: why do reproductively parasitic males heavily invest in testes?
[P2-262A] Japanese queenless ant perfers not only consepecific but also allospecific traces
[P2-263J] Structure and function of the asymmetric male genitalia of the damselfly Neurobasis chinensis
[P2-264J] Interspecific competition and host mussel utilization of bitterling fishes.
[P2-265J] Individual and social learning in ants mediates a mutualistic association with lycaenid butterflies
[P2-266J] The physiological response of mating partner's genitalia and sperm digestion
[P2-267J] Effects of webs constructed by conspecifics on the performance of spider mites
[P2-268J] ヒメハダカアリの有翅雄における雌の認識機構
[P2-269J] 少子化に関する繁殖の意思決定:子どもの数の分布を再現する数理モデル
[P2-270J] ハクセンシオマネキ Uca lacteaのオスにおける巣穴防衛行動
[P2-271J] ホソヘリカメムシのオス間闘争と性的二形
[P2-272J] ノネコにおける同種の他個体に対するフンの信号的機能
[P2-273J] ニホンザル2群の群落利用パターン 〜隣接する自然群と加害群の比較〜
[P2-274J] ヤマトシロアリのワーカー分化に女王フェロモンと生殖虫抽出物が与える影響
[P2-275J] 河川性サケ科魚類の夜行性戦術に及ぼす環境要因
[P2-276J] ミツバチの社会性がもたらすコロニー環境調節機構 -扇風行動の時空間特性-
[P2-277J] 遊牧型と定住型放牧における家畜行動の比較
[P2-278J] アオジャコウアゲハにおける雄の翅色と注入物質量の関係
[P2-279J] ヤマトシロアリの脱皮補助行動
[P2-280J] ヒラタシデムシ亜科における触角噛み行動の役割
[P2-281J] オオハリアリの日本とアメリカにおける種内攻撃性の比較
[P2-282J] 温度ロガーを用いたコアジサシの抱卵温度調節行動の測定
[P2-283J] チョウセンカマキリの性的共食いが精子競争に及ぼす影響
[P2-284J] インドガビアル(Gavialis gangeticus)の潜水行動に見られた日周性
[P2-285J] 野生ムーアモンキーの群れのまとまりの維持メカニズム