【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Presentation applied to the English Presentation Award
VOCs mediated plant–plant communication in natural forests
奈良公園におけるイラクサの刺毛形質の季節変化 【B】
Seasonal changes of stinging hair traits of the Japanese nettle in Nara Park 【B】
Visual acuity tests of bumblebees: Effects on identifying flower color and density from the distance.
How does Drosophila elegans prefer the flowers to visit?
Evaluation of Flower Visiting Insects as Pollinators from the Perspective of Species Composition of Pollen Load
Ecological impacts of forest understory fauna on moss spore reproduction: large-scale investigation for spore-feeders and assessment of endozoochory.
春咲き林床低木ナニワズの花粉散布距離の昼夜間比較 【B】
Comparison of pollen dispersal distance between day and night in a spring-flowering understory shrub, Daphne jezoensis 【B】
種子食害圧に応答する雄性両全性同株植物の性表現変異 【B】
Intensity of pre-dispersal seed predation affects the gender expresion in andromonoecious plants 【B】
Does the state that sticks out get hammered in ? Effect of exsert stigma on heterospecific pollen receipt
Trade-off mitigation: floral adaptation to diverse visitors through evolution of trait combinations
Better is a neighbor than same species far away: Effect of spatial distribution on flower constancy of bumblebees
Repellent effects of a jasmonic acid analog against the melon thrips, Thrips palmi on cucumber plant
中国産アズキゾウムシの超広範な乾燥種子食性と日本産との交雑の影響 【B】
Super herbivorous performance of Chinese Callosobruchus chinensis and influences of cross between Japanese strain 【B】
The number of eggs laid by Aspidimorpha indica was reduced on leaves eaten by Laccoptera nepalensis