【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Structure–behaviour correlations between two closely related land snails
Evolutionary dynamics of habitat isolation driven by genetically incompatible hybridization 【B】
Genomic analysis of the oomycete fish pathogen, Aphanomyces invadans. 【B】
Morphological and ecological comparisons of Rhacophorus arboreus between mountain and plain on Sado Island.
Evolution of neonatal body size associated with aquatic adaptation in Mustelidae
標高万能植物ミヤマハタザオの寿命多型における遺伝的差違と表現型可塑性の役割 【B】
Role of genetic difference and phenotypic plasticity in lifespan polymorphism of Arabidopsis kamchatica ( 0 - 3000 m elevation ) 【B】
A chronotype effect on the adaptive trait variation: the local adaptation of critical day-length in a short-day plant
Differences in the genetic structure between two Ayu groups with different life history in Lake Biwa inferred by environmental DNA analysis
ザゼンソウの発熱形質は寒冷適応に寄与するか 【B】
Potential contribution of thermogenesis in Symplocarpus reniforius to avoid reducing distribution and genetic diversity in ice age. 【B】
Testing trade-offs among antipredator strategies in ants (Formicinae)
Experimental analysis of coevolutionary dynamics in a multitrophic prey-predator system by using microcosms
Lotka-Volterra models on lattice space
A mathematical model of reproductive interference between two species with reproductive behavior
グループサイズの協力行動の進化に与える影響 ~進化ゲーム理論を用いた数理解析~
The effect of the group size on the evolution of cooperation ~mathematical analysis by evolutionary game theory~
Masting strategy in the resource budget model with flexible patterns of reproductive investment
The consideration for the optimal operation of the aquaponics