【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Application of fish isotopic niche area to river ecosystem assessment
Distribution of mountainous stream water chemistry in Miyazaki prefecture 【B】
What nature experiences form the relational values of nature?
Plant DNA analysis in feces of Cervus nippon yakushimae: Deer feed on tall trees as a staple food and reduce understory plants by side dish effect
Effects of human presence in natural environments on diel activity and habitat utilization of mesocarnivores
Living after four years of small-scale clear-cutting in planted larch forests at Yatsugatake.
Can the gene frequencies of populations of herbivorous insects be estimated by environmental DNA methods?
The Wildlife Invasion in an Abandoned Road【発表取消/Cancelled】
Vegetation mapping and its spatial accuracy using drone multi-spectral images on a secondary vegetation in southwestern part of Japan.
モンゴル荒廃草原における高ストレス耐性植物Chloris virgataの成長特性
Growth characteristics of high stress-tolerant grass species Chloris virgata in degraded grasslands in Mongolia
モンゴル・ゴビステップにおける高ストレス耐性種Chloris virgataの分布特性
Distribution patterns of high stress-tolerant grass species Chloris virgata in Gobi steppe in Mongolia
Relationship between beech decline and soil erosion in southern Kyushu
The impact of soil erosion on forest soil ecosystem function
春季と夏季における牧草収量と人工衛星画像由来生育指標の相関の違いについての考察 【B】
Differences of the relationship between pasture yields and satellite image-based vegetation indices in spring and in summer 【B】
Visualizing Remote Environmental Responsibility for Climate Change and Biodiversity through Food Trade
Analysis of factors causing personal injury of Asiatic black bears in 6 prefectures of Tohoku by using Maxent, risk assessment and future forecast.
Monitoring of occurrence and behavior of three species of woodpeckers using voice recordings and analysis of their use patterns of dead trees
耕作放棄に伴う佐渡のトキの営巣適地の変化: LANDIS-IIを用いた将来シナリオ分析
Impact of Farmland Abandonment on Nesting Suitability of Crested Ibis in Sado city: Future Scenario Analysis using LANDIS-II
畦畔植生はいかにソバの送粉サービスを高めるか:物理構造 vs 花資源
How vegetation of field margins enhance pollination service on buckwheat: trophic vs non-trophic
Regrowth after repeated shoot removal in two Mongolian pasture species
落葉広葉樹林における異なる空間スケールでのシカ密度指標と林床植生の関係 【B】
Deer density indicators on spatial scales associated with field layer vegetation in the broad-leaved forest 【B】
Elucidation of factors governing the habitat of rare species in private green spaces: analysis in national scale
Exploring Bottlenecks in Bamboo Forest Management: A Nationwide Survey on Manpower and Funding Shortages
Adaptive management of crested ibis habitat using a certification system for paddy rice cultivation
How can we make use of Twitter to mainstream biodiversity ~comparison among 7 languages~