*The last character 'J' of the poster number indicates that it is a conbribution to ESJ59 and 'A', to EAFES5.
[P3-001A] Alaskan Black Spruce Assimilate Nitrate during Winter
[P3-002A] Growth allocation between height and stem diameter in reproducing Abies mariesii in the Hakkoda Mountains, northern Honshu, Japan
[P3-003A] Germination and growth patterns of some native plants in a satoyama region in Gunma Prefecture, Japan
[P3-004A] Observation of the scale of patchy stomatal behavior in leaves of Quercus crispula using Imaging-PAM chlorophyll fluorometers
[P3-005A] Estimation of spatial variation in the chemical constitution of rhizospheric components by using shortwave-infrared hyperspectral images
[P3-006A] Effects of summer nitrogen uptake on winter growth in an winter-green perennial Lycoris radiata
[P3-007A] Does within-canopy plasticity increase stand productivity?
[P3-008A] Photosyntetic induction response to elevated CO2 under different growth-light intesities.
[P3-009A] Regulation of plant water use efficiency and production by mesophyll and stomata-using stable isotope techniches-
[P3-010A] Photosynthetic traits of 3 birch species grown under elevated CO2 with FACE system in northern Japan
[P3-011A] Inter- and intra-specific shifts in plant metabolic scaling -Robustness and resilience of idividual physiological traits-
[P3-012A] Effect of light to succession of mangrove forest in Iriomote
[P3-013A] Does Plantago asiatica adapt to elevated CO2 concentration? Results of a common garden competition experiment using plants from CO2 spring and the control
[P3-014A] Modelling game of leaf dynamics in a leaf canopy
[P3-015A] Estimation of single-leaf ecophysiological characteristics by leaf optical properties in various terrestrial plant functional types
[P3-016A] Changes in photosynthetic properties and culm density of Sasa senanensis under a deciduous broad-leaved forest exposed to canopy gaps caused by typhoon
[P3-017A] Growth strategy of deciduous tree species
[P3-018A] Effects of salinity on fine root growth and biomass partitioning of Tamarix ramosissima cuttings
[P3-019A] Mangrove root respiratory responses to different nitrogen conditions
[P3-020A] Growth responses to soil water stress of some key plant species grown in desertificated grassland in North-east Asia.
[P3-021A] Optimal Rubisco in the high CO2 world
[P3-022A] Effect of leaf morphological and photosynthetic characteristics on canopy carbon and water fluxes of a teak plantation in northern Thailand
[P3-023A] Growth and carbon balance in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes grown at two CO2 concentrations
[P3-024A] Effects of ozone and/or water stresses on the growth of beech seedling
[P3-025A] phytotoxicity of nanoparticles
[P3-026A] Natural habitats and growing environments of Japanese Aucuba
[P3-027A] Remote sensing of aquatic vegetation distribution in Taihu Lake using an improved classification tree with modified thresholds
[P3-028A] A short overview on linking annual tree ring carbon isotope to historical changes in atmospheric environment
[P3-029A] Altitudinal differences in biomass allocation of flowering plants growing on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
[P3-030J] Evidence for costs of N2 fixation on plant growth in a N2-fixing legume
[P3-031J] Adaptive leaf phenology in Daphne (Thymelaeaceae)
[P3-032J] Characteristics of mineral compositions of plants growing on Ogasawara Islands, Japan
[P3-033J] Height-dependent changes in shoot structure of 12 tree species in relation to functional types
[P3-034J] Seasonal variation in oxygen isotope ratio of leaf organic matter in temperate broad-leaved trees
[P3-035J] Plasticity in leaf trais differs depending on functional types and on niche environment
[P3-036J] 多雪地における幹先端部の力学的特性の樹種間比較
[P3-037J] ガス交換における気孔の意義ー表皮を取り除くことによるガス交換速度の変化ー
[P3-038J] モンゴル草原におけるAllium属の資源分配
[P3-039J] 異なる光環境下におけるサワラ後継樹の樹冠形
[P3-040J] キナバル山の異なる標高に成育する樹木の木部構造と通水性
[P3-041J] 熱赤外画像による樹木葉と樹冠の温度分布解析~リモートセンシング技術による気孔開度推定へのアプローチ~
[P3-042J] ボルネオ熱帯雨林の水利用戦略:ANISOHYDRICなのか、ISOHYDRICなのか?
[P3-043J] 気候変動下におけるミズナラの幹肥大成長と解剖学的特性の長期変化
[P3-044J] シラカンバ産地試験地における開葉フェノロジーの系統間変異
[P3-045J] 異なる土壌水分条件下におけるカバノキ属2種の光合成機能と個体成長応答
[P3-046J] 異なる生育環境へのダケカンバ苗木の環境応答
[P3-047J] 根の形態が異なる2種のルピナスの成長特性、呼吸速度、構成コストの比較
[P3-048J] 温帯二次林における光合成速度・気孔コンダクタンスの季節変化
[P3-049J] 継続的地上部伐採を受ける林縁部でのモウソウチク地下茎伸長
[P3-050J] サイズの異なる種子の発芽に及ぼすR:FR比と変溫の相対的重要性
[P3-051J] 酸素安定同位体比を用いた乾燥地植物の夜間の気孔コンダクタンスと露利用の解明
[P3-052J] 北方系湿性スゲ属植物における南限個体群の根呼吸応答と高温適応
[P3-053J] 安定同位体比を用いた大気汚染物質が屋久島の樹木に与える影響の評価
[P3-054J] カンボジアのゴム林における樹液流観測
[P3-055J] 高山の低大気圧下に生育するイタドリの光合成の最適温度調節
[P3-056J] 木本植物の硝酸還元に伴う根呼吸の定量、14CO2パルスラベリングを用いて
[P3-057J] 気孔コンダクタンスと光合成電子伝達速度の関係
[P3-058J] 小川群落保護林に生育する3種のササ(アズマザサ,ミヤコザサ,スズタケ)の生理生態的特性
[P3-059J] 異なる樹冠形状をもつブナの葉クラスター分布と光利用戦略~落葉期レーザスキャンによる葉クラスター構造の再現~
[P3-060J] ボルネオ熱帯山地降雨林において裸子樹木Dacrycarpus imbricatus(マキ科)が優占する生理生態的メカニズムについて
[P3-061J] 単一道管での測定からエンボリズムを起こした道管への陰圧下で水が再充填される機構を解明する
[P3-062J] 炭素安定同位体自然存在比を用いた温帯広葉樹の展葉期における炭素動態の解明
[P3-063J] 酸素供給機能の異なる水生植物の低酸素ストレスに対する根の呼吸応答
[P3-064J] 暖温帯二次林におけるアラカシとコナラの個体レベルの窒素動態