*The last character 'J' of the poster number indicates that it is a conbribution to ESJ59 and 'A', to EAFES5.
[P1-266A] Quantification of the ecological resilience of population cycles in a three species model
[P1-267A] Genetic diversity and reproductive success among small isolated populations of Primula jesoana on Sado Island
[P1-268A] Physical and hydraulic conditions of mussel habitat in small agricultural canals
[P1-269A] Road ecology in Japan-mitigation for wildlife-
[P1-270A] Hypoxia tolerance in aquatic
[P1-271A] Lost Biodiversity Approach: application to agricultural-pond damselfly species richness
[P1-272A] Short-term soil and biodivesity changes in cropland after conversion to the natural faming system
[P1-273A] Long-term change in Japanese lake biodiversity: a preliminary analysis of aquatic macrophyte flora
[P1-274A] Sustaining beetle diversity in managed forest of northern Japan
[P1-275A] Population genetic structure of native and exotic dandelions (Taraxacum japonicum and T. officinale) and their hybrid in Osaka.
[P1-276A] Differences in weed vegetation between rain-fed and irrigated paddies in Champasak Province, Lao PDR
[P1-277A] Quantifying the ecosystem service of weed seed predation provided by crickets in a paddy field
[P1-278A] Single clone remaining of Rehmannia japonica, critically endangered plant species in Japan, as revealed by exhaustive genotyping of all remnant populations.
[P1-279A] A study of vegetation management by mowing on hygrophytic communities for the conservation of Maculinea teleius habitats
[P1-280A] Genetic status and its conservative implications of a critically endangered species in Korea, Euchresta japonica (Leguminosae), based on ubiquitous genotyping
[P1-281A] Seed germination traits and seed storage techniques for the threatened plant species Chikusichloa aquatica Koidz.
[P1-282A] Habitat fragmentation accelerates inter-specific hybridization in stream salmonids
[P1-283A] Food habits of Intermediate Egret in Takashima city, Shiga Prefecture, Japan
[P1-284A] Comparison of insect assemblage in paddy fields between conventional and labor-saving methods in Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, with special reference to endangered diving beetle species.
[P1-285A] Effects of habitat change on some wintering waterfowl in Japan.
[P1-286A] Utilization of satellite-based snow-cover data for analysis of winter range selection of Mongolian gazelles
[P1-287A] Spawning activity of Ayu(Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) among 26 rivers around Lake Biwa
[P1-288A] The effects of climate change on migration of birds at an overwintering site in Yokohama, Japan
[P1-290A] Genetic structure of Terminalia catappa, an endemic tree species in Bonin island
[P1-291A] The nematode/malaria coinfection in the recently established population of the Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus
[P1-292A] effects of random habitat destruction in model ecosystems: parity law depending on number of species
[P1-293J] The browsing index of sika deer as a management tool in Hokkaido, Japan
[P1-294J] New record of a gorgoderid trematode from Unio douglasiae in the Yodo River: its life cycle and the effect on mussel reproduction
[P1-295J] Feedback population management of wildlife using fuzzy reasoning
[P1-296J] Parental care and food provisioning in endangered Blakiston's fish-owls (Ketupa blakistoni)
[P1-297J] Retention structure, turnover rates of salmon carcasses in small forested stream of northern Japan
[P1-298J] Effects of infection by yellow grub, Clinostomum complanatum, on endangered cyprinid Pseudorasbora pumila
[P1-299J] Building Collaboration Based on the Plural Interests: From Case Studies of Reed Beds Conservation.
[P1-300J] Mercury pollution by many small-scale gold ore smelters in Talawaan River, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
[P1-301J] Responses of macroinvertebrates community to forest harvesting and floods in headwater streams
[P1-302J] ススキ草原再生のための草地造成法の開発
[P1-303J] ため池造成が里山の生物多様性及び生態系サービスに及ぼす効果について
[P1-304J] 高解像度航空写真画像を用いた景観区分と水鳥の種多様性:水位変動に影響されにくい浅場の構造を探る
[P1-305J] 野生絶滅種コシガヤホシクサの野生復帰にむけた生育環境の検討
[P1-306J] ヒヌマイトトンボのミチゲーションプロジェクト.1.経緯と経過.
[P1-307J] ヒヌマイトトンボのミチゲーションプロジェクト.2.幼虫の個体群動態.
[P1-308J] ヒヌマイトトンボのミチゲーションプロジェクト.3.成虫の個体群動態.
[P1-309J] ヒヌマイトトンボのミチゲーションプロジェクト.4.生息地となるヨシ群落の生長.
[P1-310J] ヒヌマイトトンボのミチゲーションプロジェクト.5.宮川浄化センターの保全プロジェクトと観察会.
[P1-311J] ナラ枯れ発生初期のコナラ二次林における実生動態
[P1-312J] 地方小都市・駒ヶ根の水路における水生植物と人との関係の変遷からみた生物多様性の保全に関する研究
[P1-313J] シバ草地におけるブタナの生態と抑制に関する研究 第2報 花茎の生長
[P1-314J] 絶滅危惧植物はどこにいる?-統計モデリングによる潜在分布の推定-
[P1-315J] 複数遺伝子に基づくタビラの種内系統とESU
[P1-316J] 鳥種による影響の違いを考慮した風車設置エリア検討の試み
[P1-317J] 鳥獣保護区に集中するエゾシカがもたらすササの減少
[P1-318J] コウノトリの採食生態 -水田における採食効率と餌生物密度の関係-
[P1-319J] 里山におけるニホンミツバチコロニーの季節的発達と花資源利用
[P1-320J] 夕張岳に進出したエゾシカ(Cervus nippon yesoensis)による植生被害の傾向
[P1-321J] 地方小都市・駒ヶ根市における緑地と社寺林の林床植生からみた生物多様性の評価
[P1-322J] 都市化が水田性カエル類の多様性に与える影響
[P1-323J] 鬼怒川河川敷におけるミヤマシジミのハビタットに対する外来植物シナダレスズメガヤの影響
[P1-324J] 生息地破壊における分断化の重要性:移動を考慮した格子モデルによる解析
[P1-325J] 各成長段階におけるツチフキの利用環境
[P1-326J] 富士山亜高山域におけるシカの動態と積雪深の変化~自動撮影カメラによるモニタリング~
[P1-327J] 択伐は林床植生の多様性を損なうか ー北海道の針広混交林の伐採後5年間ー
[P1-329J] 酸性化海水と高水温の複合ストレスがコユビミドリイシと共生藻に与える影響
[P1-330J] 小笠原諸島のダム湖および周辺河川における底生動物群集の解析について
[P1-331J] ツキノワグマにおける栄養状態評価指標の検討
[P1-332J] コンクリート三面張り河川における生息場所不均一性と底生動物の群集構造の関係
[P1-333J] 絶滅危惧種ハリママムシグサの保全遺伝学
[P1-334J] 日本列島におけるイワナ属の生息適地モデルとその保全計画への活用
[P1-335J] 大学農場予定地におけるトラマルハナバチの訪花について
[P1-336J] 生息地の空間構造が生物の絶滅に与える影響,二次元格子モデルを用いた生息地分断化の解析