【B】バイリンガル発表:発表媒体が英語もしくは日英併記予定の発表 /
Bilingual presentation: Presentation slides or poster will be prepared in English or Japanese with English subtitles
Native host plant use buffers against the deleterious effects of viral infection in the butterfly Lycaeides melissa
The influence of fertilizer types (inorganic vs. organic) and magnesium lime application on the yield and chemical defence functions in Brassica rapa 【B】
Evaluation of seed burial ability by dung beetles
セイヨウミツバチは花を巡って他の訪花者と競争するか? 非線形時系列解析による検証
Do honeybees compete with other flower visitors on squash flowers? An EDM approach
Verification of the effectiveness of interval shooting camera in pollinator survey -Comparison with direct observation-
Old leaf masquerade by butterfly larvae and the model-creation behavior
Food colour preference of a grasshopper Acrida cinerea
Bark herbivory by Japanese macaques changes succession patterns of tree assemblages: A case of snowy regions in Japan
カシノナガキクイムシの一次誘引物質は何か 【B】
What is the primary attractants for the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus? 【B】
植物の適応度に対して複数種の散布者が及ぼす影響評価: 3種系を用いた実証研究
Evaluating effect of multiple dispersers on plant fitness: empirical study using two rodent species disperse Japanese walnut
Deer grazing affected the formation of endemic dwarf plants in Yakushima Island?: testing the relationship between deer preference and plant size
Flowering and fruiting phenology of animal-pollinated and/or -dispersed plants
Annual variability in sound acorn production: The effects of phenological processes from flowering to fruiting and weather variables
Evaluation of quantitatively effective seed dispersers in epizoochory: a comparison of three large mammal species
モウセンゴケ属の素早い花閉鎖は対植食者防御として効果的か? 【B】
Is rapid corolla closure of Drosera spp. effective to deter florivory? 【B】
送粉者シフトはいつ起こる? よりよりパートナーの条件 【B】
Conditions of new pollinator to be better partner when the pollinator shift is occur. 【B】
Sesame flowers facilitate pollination of squash-Effect of companion planting on pollination function-
高速フラッシュ蛍光光度法を用いたミジンコ付着藻類Colacium sp.の光生理測定
Measuring photophysiology of Colacium sp. attaching on water flea by fast repetition rate fluorometry
Kin-recognition level through VOC in tall goldenrod
花の「色」の機能は視覚的な情報伝達に限らない 【B】
The function of color in flowers is not limited to visual signaling. 【B】
草原周辺の宅地率の違いは 送粉相互作用関係を変化させるか?
Does the increase in residential land around grasslands affect the interaction between flowers and pollinators?
沿岸域の植食性動物による海藻の摂餌に対する塩分低下と群集構成の影響 【B】
The effects of salinity decline and community composition on the consumption of marine macroalgae by grazers 【B】
Environmental DNA detects invisible flower visitors
Comparison of genetic structure between two Epicephala species sharing host plants
Theoretical model for the pollinator-transmitted floral disease
Plant use by insects: Leguminosae and Asteraceae